1. Regular no-snag hair ties (the kind for thin hair- not the super thick ones)
These are probably something every girl has one or two of laying around. They work, but if you're not super careful putting them in your hair they can cause creasing.
2. 80's style scrunchies
While these work really well they're kind of unsightly. I wouldn't wear them out of the house! They are pretty cheap at the dollar store though- I do use them while I'm sleeping because they cause significantly less damage to your hair and I've never had trouble with creasing.
3. Crease-less elastic hair ties
These are super great! They look super cute in your hair or on your wrist and don't cause any creasing- even if you're wearing your hair in a ponytail! I've had a couple friends with these and they all love them- I haven't purchased any yet because they are usually pretty expensive ($4 plus each!) but I've just found some on etsy for 7 for $1.50 (plus $2.50 shipping) which is an amazing deal that I'm about to order right now!! link (pictured above): http://www.etsy.com/listing/91840361/the-love-pack-foe-hairties-set-of-7?ref=sr_gallery_3&sref=&ga_search_submit=&ga_search_query=elastic+hairties&ga_order=price_asc&ga_ship_to=ZZ&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_page=0&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade-Elle <3
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